Google Knowledge Graph in Action

TweetGoogle Knowledge Graph in Action I LOVE the Google Knowledge Graph, and you should too. It is becoming more and more woven into our everyday searches. You may have noticed it when searching for proper names or places. When you search a proper name, place or well-known fact, you get info on the right side of the search that saves the user at least one click. Google Knowledge Graph information I recently came across Slogans being indexed as a knowledge graph, which was exactly what I needed to find last week. I was trying to think of a joke about “Have it Your Way”, after the photo of a Burger King employee standing in lettuce leaked. Brand Slogan Example: •    Adidas •    TNT •    Burger King People Example: •    Ashton Kutcher •    Brett Favre •    Michelangelo Place Example: •    The Louvre •    Mall of America •    Willis Tower...

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Boost Clickthrough and Conversion with AdWords Reviews

Are you or a client selling goods or services online? Are you paying for AdWords? It’s time for you to sign up for at least one ratings service and politely ask your customers to rate their experience. Google recently started pulling ratings from various services and attaching the *stars* to AdWords text ads. (See Figure: 1) I think that adding reviews directly to an ad is as close as you get to word-of-mouth, which we all know is hands down the best marketing medium out there. You instantly add trust by showing potential customers what people are saying about your company. The only thing holding you back is that Google requires a few things. “If your online store is rated in Google Product Search, you have 4 or more stars, and you have at least 30 reviews, you’ll automatically get seller ratings with your ads.” Seems easy enough; now all you have to do is start asking your customers for reviews. If you’re an eCommerce company, the perfect time to ask for a review (and include an easy-to-use link) is in the Shipment Confirmation email. Check figure 2 for a good list of review sites to look into. Good...

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